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  • mighty River of God 46 part1

    mighty River of God 46 part1

    THE MIGHTY RIVER OF GOD: Psalm-46 says that there is a river that flows through the city of God that makes Gods children glad. This river flow out of the Throne of God and from the Throne of the lamb, Revelation-22-1-2, those that believe the scriptures as they are said by God, not adding or taking from them, have a river of life flowing out of the belly of their innermost being, John-7-37-39. The messengers of God are beginning to open up to a pure language of the Spirit of God, Zephaniah-3-9, and in the book of Revelation-14-6-8 the messengers of God fly through the heavens with the everlasting, eternal gospel, bringing the invisible not seen realm to light, Moses endured as seeing the invisible, so as we are told to look not at the things seen, but look at the not seen things, the seen things are temporary, the unseen things are eternal, as creation begins to see the invisible realm of God they begin to endured, sound doctrine, and babylon is then seen falling, the end of confusion, light and immortality enter into those believers who become engulfed with the incorruptible seed, as they are truly born again, and all the corruption is removed, as immortality moves into the bodies of the believers. The message not only removes the confusion of babylon, but the pure river of life is seen flowing all the way into the habitation of the dragon, and removing the influence of the dragon off of the creation of God people, Isaiah-35-7 the message that Jesus took on death and overcome death as he destroyed the one that had power of death, he destroyed the devil Hebrews2-14 he was manifested as the son of God and destroyed all the works of the devil as seen in 1st-John-3-8. So as the river of the gospel flows into the habitation of the dragon all of his influence is removed off of Gods Creation. As one looks into the message flowing as the river of God into the earth, to change all of creation, it is abundantly CLEAR, the book of Revelation, shares to us just how it is done, in TRUMPETS VIALS AND SEALS, We see the opening of the message is the opening up of the seals, the sounding of the Trumpets, is the declaring of the message of the redemptive works of Christ, the declaring of the opened seals. The pouring out of the vial is the dispensing of the message, and the MANIFESTATION of the message into all of the earth.The pure river of the water of life is flowing, God is removing the seals off of the message, some are beginning to discover a open book and they are going up to the one on the throne, and they are taking the little book, THE LITTLE OPEN BOOK, From the open hand of the one that sits on the throne, the open book, has all seven seals remove, the message is made clear, the messengers are taking the trumpets in hand, they are preparing to sound, the dispensing of the open message, The ABUNDANT river is beginning to flow from the bellys, from the inner most beings of those that believe the scripture as it has been said. The vials are being pour out, the clear message in being dispensed into the earth. We are hearing the NOISE OF THE WATER SPOUTS, SOMEONE IS GETTING THIRSTY,  The promise is this, blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, FOR THEY SHALL BE FILLED. Matthew-5-6. Jesus said come unto to me, lay down your load, yoke up with Christ, and walk together, THE RIVER IS FLOWING, Pastor Eddie Fitch SCRIPTURE, AND FELLOWSHIP AROUND THE WORD OF GOD.

  • Mighty river of God. part 2

    Mighty river of God. part 2

    THE MIGHTY RIVER OF GOD: Psalm-46 says that there is a river that flows through the city of God that makes Gods children glad. This river flow out of the Throne of God and from the Throne of the lamb, Revelation-22-1-2, those that believe the scriptures as they are said by God, not adding or taking from them, have a river of life flowing out of the belly of their innermost being, John-7-37-39. The messengers of God are beginning to open up to a pure language of the Spirit of God, Zephaniah 3-9, and in the book of Revelationv14:6-8 the messengers of God fly through the heavens with the everlasting, eternal gospel, bringing the invisible not seen realm to light, Moses endured as seeing the invisible, so as we are told to look not at the things seen, but look at the not seen things, the seen things are temporary, the unseen things are eternal, as creation begins to see the invisible realm of God they begin to endured, sound doctrine, and babylon is then seen falling, the end of confusion, light and immortality enter into those believers who become engulfed with the incorruptible seed, as they are truly born again, and all the corruption is removed, as immortality moves into the bodies of the believers. The message not only removes the confusion of babylon, but the pure river of life is seen flowing all the way into the habitation of the dragon, and removing the influence of the dragon off of the creation of God people, Isaiah 35:7 the message that Jesus took on death and overcome death as he destroyed the one that had power of death, he destroyed the devil Hebrews 2-:14 he was manifested as the son of God and destroyed all the works of the devil as seen in 1st-John-3-8. So as the river of the gospel flows into the habitation of the dragon all of his influence is removed off of Gods Creation. As one looks into the message flowing as the river of God into the earth, to change all of creation, it is abundantly CLEAR, the book of Revelation, shares to us just how it is done, in TRUMPETS VIALS AND SEALS, We see the opening of the message is the opening up of the seals, the sounding of the Trumpets, is the declaring of the message of the redemptive works of Christ, the declaring of the opened seals. The pouring out of the vial is the dispensing of the message, and the MANIFESTATION of the message into all of the earth.The pure river of the water of life is flowing, God is removing the seals off of the message, some are beginning to discover a open book and they are going up to the one on the throne, and they are taking the little book, THE LITTLE OPEN BOOK, From the open hand of the one that sits on the throne, the open book, has all seven seals remove, the message is made clear, the messengers are taking the trumpets in hand, they are preparing to sound, the dispensing of the open message, The ABUNDANT river is beginning to flow from the bellys, from the inner most beings of those that believe the scripture as it has been said. The vials are being pour out, the clear message in being dispensed into the earth. We are hearing the NOISE OF THE WATER SPOUTS, SOMEONE IS GETTING THIRSTY,  The promise is this, blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, FOR THEY SHALL BE FILLED. Matthew-5-6. Jesus said come unto to me, lay down your load, yoke up with Christ, and walk together, THE RIVER IS FLOWING, Pastor Eddie Fitch

  • A virtuous woman

    A virtuous woman

    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, here is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

    Who can find a woman? If the father is looking for

    a virtuous woman, it must not be easy to find. If you have

    to find something, then it first had to be lost. I believe only

    the one who has made us virtuous, can find a virtuous

    Woman. Virtuous describes the woman. Which means

    strength, the women would be the soul, the church, or our

    entire being. The redemptive work of Christ has made us a

    virtuous woman. It is our strength; we would have no

    strength without it. Once we begin to understand the death,

    burial and the resurrection of Christ, we start to understand

    most holy place things. We get our light (understanding)

    from the Ark, which is Christ. We are no longer in the outer

    court, where we have a natural understanding or the holy

    place where we have to be taught. A virtuous woman feeds

    on bread and wine. Before the death, burial and

    resurrection of Christ we were lost, our woman (our soul,

    the church, our entire being was lost). Adam was the

    reason why our Virtuous woman got lost. Our strength was

    lost; we were in desperate need of a savior. Proverbs 31:6

    says give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and

    wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. (7) Let him drink

    and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.

    Jesus drank our bitter cup, our poverty, and our misery. So

    the father could remember our sin no more. Perish means

    depression, misery and affliction. This was our state before;

    Christ made us a virtuous woman again. He was wounded

    for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: The

    chastisement of our peace was upon him, the virtuous woman 

    knows that the true virtuous one lives within us.

    The father looks within you to find himself, the image that

    Adam lost. When we understand the Redemptive work of

    Christ, we find our virtuous woman. A virtuous woman is

    rooted and grounded in Christ. We grow in Grace and in

    the knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. When

    Christ becomes the vine, and you become the branches, you

    bare much fruit. A Virtuous woman feeds from the tree of

    life and not from the tree of knowledge and of good and

    evil. The tree of life makes us aware of Christ’s life. The

    tree of knowledge of good and evil makes us aware of our

    lives, and we lose our virtuous woman image. A virtuous

    woman only talks about most holy place things. The light

    in them comes from only one place – the Ark. A virtuous

    woman knows that in Christ we are the true light of the

    world. You will not find a virtuous woman in the inner

    court or the outer court. If you are in the outer court ,you

    will only have a natural understanding. A virtuous woman

    knows that the price Christ paid for her is far above rubies.

    Christ paid a debt for us that we could never repay. Just so

    we could dwell with the Father. It is exceeding great joy.

    Whatever we think great joy is, it far exceeds that. You

    can’t even put a price tag on it. The blood of Jesus is

    precious unto him that believes. The blood will never lose

    it’s power, it becomes more precious every day. You will

    need the ,one who created  the virtuous woman to find a virtuous woman

    because ,you would not know what to look for. That is why

    the one that made us virtuous has to find her. A virtuous

    woman knows that they are a king and priest unto God.

    Only a priest could go beyond the veil. A virtuous woman

    cannot function in any other place but the most holy place. 

    They feel out of place in any other area. They have become

    institutionalized there. When you seek to know anything

    else but Christ and him being crucified. he becomes the air

    you breathe, the song you sing, the father’s holy presence

    living in you. It is a higher way of thinking. A virtuous

    woman knows that there is nothing they can do to earn this

    kind of favor. It is unmerited favor. Christ merited for us.

    We have to rest to become a virtuous woman. Our lives are

    hidden in Christ; you become dead to this world and alive

    unto God. The dead in Christ shall rise. We become

    raptured up, which means being snatched from one place to

    another. We move from death to life. When Christ who is

    our life begins to appear, You shall appear with him and glory.

     he is our hope of glory. Ruth 3:11

    says, and now my daughter fear not; I will do to thee all

    that thou requires for all the city of my people doth know

    that thou are a virtuous woman. A virtuous woman seeks

    God first and his righteousness, and knows that everything

    else will be added. A virtuous woman does not enter into

    his gates asking for anything. They enter into his gates with

    thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. The father

    knows what we have need of before we even ask him. That

    is why he sent us a savior. The virtuous woman is his bride 

    and he finds a virtuous woman when he finds himself in us.

    Adam lost our virtuous woman image in the garden and

    Jesus went in the garden and got it back. When he finds his

    wife, he finds a good thing. A virtuous woman is married

    to Christ. When he finds his wife, he says thou are fare my

    love. And he kisses her with the kisses of his mouth: for

    his love is better than wine. A virtuous woman has dove’s

    eyes, as the deer pants for the waters, so does a virtuous

    woman soul pants after Christ. He considers a field and  buys it.

    The field is the world, and Jesus purchased a field

    of blood for us. The potter’s field was purchased with

    the price of his blood to put strangers there. A burial

    ground, our sins have been buried in his field of blood. I

    began to look at the word put, it means to bring into

    specified state. The father had to put your stripes on his

    back to bring a virtuous woman back into her specified

    state. The father had to put your crown of thrones on his

    head to bring a virtuous woman back into her specified

    state. The father had to put your cross on his back to bring a

    virtuous woman back into her specified state. The father

    had to put your nails in his feet to bring a virtuous woman

    back into her specified state. The father had to put your

    nails in his hands to bring a virtuous woman back into her

    specified state. The father had to put your spear in his side

    to bring a virtuous woman back into her specified state.

    The father had to put him in a tomb to bring a virtuous

    woman back into a specified state. He could not find a

    virtuous woman without his death, burial and resurrection.

    He could not find a virtuous woman without the finished

    work of the cross. After the Father was pleased with Christ

    and what he had done, he found a virtuous woman once

    again. It is the great wedding day. The lost coin has been

    found, the lost sheep has been found, and the lost son has

    come home. Everyone is invited to the marriage feast. The

    father has found his virtuous woman. He found his pearl,

    the father gave everything he had to buy the pearl. He gave

    his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him

    should not perish but have eternal life. A virtuous woman

    would be everything that was lost in the first Adam, and

    found in the second Adam. Now, the virtuous woman is

    back in us, it is in Christ we live move and have our being. 

    Christ in you the hope of Glory



    The Psalmist David, said, Before l was afflicted l went astray: but now l have kept thy word. When a believer gets into Gods word, the Lord begins to take his word and cleanse the mind, it is called the washing of the water of the word, Jesus said to the disciples, these words l speak unto you, clean you, make you clean, the words of almighty God, through meditation on what is read, begins an afflicting process, that moves out the enemies thoughts and ways, while replacing, and renewing the mind with the thoughts and ways of the Lord, thus through the afflicting of the mind, a believer is changed to the point, of no longer going astray, the believer is changed from wrong desires to coming to right desires, when your desires are changed, the wants of a believer, no longer exsist, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT! We see another statement that the Psalmist David said, l know O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. The believer is brought to a knowing, that the righteous judgments of God are right, and life changing, to the point, that the believer comes to know, that it is all done in the faithfulness of the Lord. Then listen to what David said, when he came to know that the Lord had faithfully afflicted him by his word in his mind. David said, Unless thy law, or word had been my delight, l should then have perished in mine affliction, The Psalmist David, come to know that the word of God had to become his delight, had to become his strength, his joy, or he would have perished in the affliction process, of the Transformation that his soul, his mind went through, to bring the cleansing that was needed, by and through the affliction of Gods word. The Psalmist David came to know God life through his study of Gods word that afflicted his mind through Godly instruction, that instructed him to lay down his life, so that he would not try to save his life, too the loosing of his life, by the afflicting word of lay down your life,  David was able through the word of life to be quickened and receive the God life. His life was but a vapor, until he excepted the Melchizdec life, that was, THE POWER OF AN ENDLESS LIFE. Look at what David said, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. I am afflicted very much: quicken me, O Lord, ACCORDING TO THY WORD. THE PSALMIST DAVID CAME TO A LIFE, THAT WAS ACCORDINGLY BY THE WORD OF GOD: SCRIPTURES for this study is found in, Psalm-119-67 Psalm-119-75 Psalm-119-92 and Psalm-119-105 Psalms-119-107 and Psalm-23-1 and John-15-3 Pastor Eddie Fitch



    IT IS FINISHED, IT IS DONE: Let look at what Jesus said on the cross, just before he gave up the ghost, and become obedient to death for Three days and Three nights. John-19-30 Jesus said it is finished, after this he spent three days and three nights suffering the TRAVAIL OF HIS SOUL, God saw the Travail of Jesus soul and in Isaiah-53 it say that God was satisfied with the Travail of Jesus soul, in other words God was satisfied with the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus, that what he has done was enough, we don’t have to add anything to what he did and we don’t have to take away from what he has done, because God is satisfied, scripture say by the knowledge of his righteous servant (Jesus) he shall justify many for he shall bear their iniquities. So God through the knowledge of Christ, On the throne speaks to the Holy Ghost who also in turn speaks to us, Jesus said the Holy Ghost would take of mine and speak to u all the things that we need to know, to come to the point of being satisfied that what Jesus did was enough, and we don’t have to add or take from what he did, so by the RENEWING of the mind, we will be brought to being able to prove what is the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God, which is becoming fully satisfied with what Jesus has done, till we come to the point of knowing who we are in Christ, knowing the full benefit of what he did in the three days of his passion, and we know how it has affected us, till we become fully satisfied that what he has done was enough. TILL WE KNOW THAT WHEN JESUS SAID IT IS FINISHED, IT IS TRULY FINISHED, AND WE CAN COME ALONG SIDE OF HIM IN FULL AGREEMENT. Ephesians-2-6 says we were quickened with him, we were raised with him, and we were seated with him at the right hand of of the Throne of God. So now we must, it is a must that we come to the full knowledge of where we are now positioned as the Temple of God in the heavenly at Gods right hand.Revelation-16-17 says This: The Seventh angel poured his vial out into the Air; we know there are seven seals, seven unsealings, seven unvailings, The Lamb of God is opening up the Revelation of Jesus Christ to us. Showing us his Church, his Body the full Revelation of the message of the Cross which is the power of God, to our complete deliverance, our complete salvation, BODY, SOUL, AND SPIRIT. So when the seven seals are all unsealed, the full message of Jesus REDEMPTIVE WORK is fully exposed and revealed to us, There are also seven Trumpets, which is the preaching, the explaining, the teaching of the unsealed redemptive works of Christ, scripture explains in Revelation-10-6-11 that when the Seventh Trumpet begins to sound, there should be no more delay, the Mystery of God should be finished, in Revelation-11-15 says that the seventh Trumpet sounded, and The Kingdoms of this world, became The Kingdoms of our LORD AND HIS CHRIST. So now that we see in Revelation-16-17 The Seventh vial being poured out into the air, this is the completion of all that God is doing to bring his people into becoming fully satisfied that when Jesus said IT IS FINISHED, in John-19-30 truly they believe that it is finished, and truly they are fully satisfied. We hear a great voice coming from THE TEMPLE OF HEAVEN, The Temple that we his people are, we have been raised to the right hand of the throne of God, this great voice come clearly from the Temple of God and the Throne saying in full satisfaction, full agreement, IT IS DONE Then in verse 18 and 19, there are voices, a corporate voice,voices and thunderings and lightnings, thunderings are a most Holy voice heard for others, Jesus heard this message for the sake of others that many thought was thunder, and the lightnings speaks of the day of the Lord, Jesus said in Matthew-24 that the day of his coming was like the lightning from one end of the heaven to the other. So this is what is happening all around and in the people that have come to full satisfaction that what Jesus did was enough, then we see that the Great City of Babylon is divided into three parts, the confusion is fully separated, body, soul, and Spirit, and the cities of all the nations fall and come into REMBERANCE before God and she is given the cup of the wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath, the message that Jesus drank the cup, Jesus on the Cross took all the wrath that we deserved, he took it all on the cross, and babylon, the confused mindsets of men need the word of God, to fully divide Spirit and soul, and to go down into the joints and the bones and discern the thoughts and the intents of the heart, as said in HEBREWS-4-12. GOD WILL HAVE A PEOPLE THAT COME TO FULL SATISFACTION THAT WHAT JESUS DID WAS ENOUGH, ” IT IS FINISHED, IT IS DONE” Pastor Eddie Fitch .



      He was crucified with humanity, buried with all of humanity. IT IS NOT, TRYING HARDER, If you hear this and you say,”I’M GOING TO TRY HARDER” You are headed for failure.What we need is a Revelation of Jesus Christ, and what he did for and as us.Actually we need an understanding of him unveiled in us, uncovered in us. He need to be uncovered, so he can be seen by us, in us. ONCE YOU SEE, THEN YOU CAN BECOME. If you don’t know him, and know what he did for and as us, then you will never sit down with him at rest, in his finished work. There will always be something you try to do or try to improve, you will be trying to do good things to please God. We cannot preform, we can not do to be, nothing that you do will ever be enough, It is simply, setting down, and resting in the finished work of Christ. JUST RELAX, LET THE HOLY SPIRIT SHOW YOU, THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO! Remember the disciples, before the cross, before the Holy Spirit came, they could not even understand what Jesus was saying, much less do it. JESUS IS COMING IN HIS SAINTS, AND THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR HIM TO COME. Do you remember what Jesus said to each church, he said Three things to all seven churches, let me paraphrase, I KNOW YOUR WORKS, TO HIM THAT CAN OVERCOME, THEN LET HIM HEAR WHAT IT IS THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO THE CHURCH, We must hear what it is that the Spirit is saying, and we must hear what it is that causes us to forget our works, and only do what we hear the SPIRIT say for us to do, as we overcome our works, and only do what the Spirit says for us to do, then the MOST HOLY PLACE PROMISES ARE OURS. 2ND THESSALONIANS CHAPTER TWO TELL US THAT THE COMING OF THE LORD CANNOT HAPPEN UNTIL THERE IS A FALLING AWAY FROM THE MAN OF SIN, AND THE MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, THEN AND ONLY THEN, CAN THE COMMING OF THE LORD HAPPEN.WHEN THE LORD COMES, THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING SLAYS AND DESTROYS THE MAN OF SIN IN YOUR LIFE. 1st THESSALONIANS-1-10 says, when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe( BECAUSE OUR TESTIMONY AMONG YOU WAS BELIEVED) In that day. The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, we no longer do anything in dead letter, our testimony is in the Spirit, WE ARE ABLE MINISTER OF THE NEW COVENANT, WE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND BY OUR TESTIMONY, NOT LOVING OUR LIVES BUT LOVING HIS LIFE. THE LIFE THAT HE CAME TO BRING US, ALL OF US! People are going to believe when he come in us, his saints and Christ will be ADMIRED, that is the day when his glory will be administered, and there will be divine change, AS WE ALL TRAVEL FROM FAITH TO FAITH, GLORY TO GLORY, AND STRENGTH TO STRENGTH IN ZIONS, SIONS KINGDOM. Pastor Eddie Fitch