He was crucified with humanity, buried with all of humanity. IT IS NOT, TRYING HARDER, If you hear this and you say,”I’M GOING TO TRY HARDER” You are headed for failure.What we need is a Revelation of Jesus Christ, and what he did for and as us.Actually we need an understanding of him unveiled in us, uncovered in us. He need to be uncovered, so he can be seen by us, in us. ONCE YOU SEE, THEN YOU CAN BECOME. If you don’t know him, and know what he did for and as us, then you will never sit down with him at rest, in his finished work. There will always be something you try to do or try to improve, you will be trying to do good things to please God. We cannot preform, we can not do to be, nothing that you do will ever be enough, It is simply, setting down, and resting in the finished work of Christ. JUST RELAX, LET THE HOLY SPIRIT SHOW YOU, THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO! Remember the disciples, before the cross, before the Holy Spirit came, they could not even understand what Jesus was saying, much less do it. JESUS IS COMING IN HIS SAINTS, AND THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR HIM TO COME. Do you remember what Jesus said to each church, he said Three things to all seven churches, let me paraphrase, I KNOW YOUR WORKS, TO HIM THAT CAN OVERCOME, THEN LET HIM HEAR WHAT IT IS THE SPIRIT IS SAYING TO THE CHURCH, We must hear what it is that the Spirit is saying, and we must hear what it is that causes us to forget our works, and only do what we hear the SPIRIT say for us to do, as we overcome our works, and only do what the Spirit says for us to do, then the MOST HOLY PLACE PROMISES ARE OURS. 2ND THESSALONIANS CHAPTER TWO TELL US THAT THE COMING OF THE LORD CANNOT HAPPEN UNTIL THERE IS A FALLING AWAY FROM THE MAN OF SIN, AND THE MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, THEN AND ONLY THEN, CAN THE COMMING OF THE LORD HAPPEN.WHEN THE LORD COMES, THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING SLAYS AND DESTROYS THE MAN OF SIN IN YOUR LIFE. 1st THESSALONIANS-1-10 says, when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe( BECAUSE OUR TESTIMONY AMONG YOU WAS BELIEVED) In that day. The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, we no longer do anything in dead letter, our testimony is in the Spirit, WE ARE ABLE MINISTER OF THE NEW COVENANT, WE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND BY OUR TESTIMONY, NOT LOVING OUR LIVES BUT LOVING HIS LIFE. THE LIFE THAT HE CAME TO BRING US, ALL OF US! People are going to believe when he come in us, his saints and Christ will be ADMIRED, that is the day when his glory will be administered, and there will be divine change, AS WE ALL TRAVEL FROM FAITH TO FAITH, GLORY TO GLORY, AND STRENGTH TO STRENGTH IN ZIONS, SIONS KINGDOM. Pastor Eddie Fitch

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