The Psalmist David, said, Before l was afflicted l went astray: but now l have kept thy word. When a believer gets into Gods word, the Lord begins to take his word and cleanse the mind, it is called the washing of the water of the word, Jesus said to the disciples, these words l speak unto you, clean you, make you clean, the words of almighty God, through meditation on what is read, begins an afflicting process, that moves out the enemies thoughts and ways, while replacing, and renewing the mind with the thoughts and ways of the Lord, thus through the afflicting of the mind, a believer is changed to the point, of no longer going astray, the believer is changed from wrong desires to coming to right desires, when your desires are changed, the wants of a believer, no longer exsist, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT! We see another statement that the Psalmist David said, l know O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. The believer is brought to a knowing, that the righteous judgments of God are right, and life changing, to the point, that the believer comes to know, that it is all done in the faithfulness of the Lord. Then listen to what David said, when he came to know that the Lord had faithfully afflicted him by his word in his mind. David said, Unless thy law, or word had been my delight, l should then have perished in mine affliction, The Psalmist David, come to know that the word of God had to become his delight, had to become his strength, his joy, or he would have perished in the affliction process, of the Transformation that his soul, his mind went through, to bring the cleansing that was needed, by and through the affliction of Gods word. The Psalmist David came to know God life through his study of Gods word that afflicted his mind through Godly instruction, that instructed him to lay down his life, so that he would not try to save his life, too the loosing of his life, by the afflicting word of lay down your life,  David was able through the word of life to be quickened and receive the God life. His life was but a vapor, until he excepted the Melchizdec life, that was, THE POWER OF AN ENDLESS LIFE. Look at what David said, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path. I am afflicted very much: quicken me, O Lord, ACCORDING TO THY WORD. THE PSALMIST DAVID CAME TO A LIFE, THAT WAS ACCORDINGLY BY THE WORD OF GOD: SCRIPTURES for this study is found in, Psalm-119-67 Psalm-119-75 Psalm-119-92 and Psalm-119-105 Psalms-119-107 and Psalm-23-1 and John-15-3 Pastor Eddie Fitch